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File List | 1994-01-22 | 9.1 KB | 117 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 45 - Musical Potpourri │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- AC34MUSC.ZIP 282814 05-05-93 ACCU Music System v3.4: Create music,
- | print it/Play it.
- ANIMANC1.ZIP 1219111 10-26-93 Animaniac cartoon wave files 1/4.
- BY_EAR.ZIP 126519 06-02-93 A musicians ear-training tool. GREAT!
- CHORD20.ZIP 216768 08-18-93 Chordmaster v2.0: Chord Chemistry Pgm.
- | For Guitarists. Tab View Sequencer,
- | Plays Axe Files Through A MIDI Device or
- | Sound Card. Axe Files Contain Notes,
- | Timings, Tunings, Fingering Info & More.
- | As Songs Are Played, User Sees Guitar
- | Tablature in Tab View Sequencer, While
- | Fingering is Shown in Real-Time on A
- | Guitar Fretboard.
- CRYS669.ZIP 7430 07-14-93 Crystals (Song) In The New .669 Song
- | File Format You'll Need Compsd13.ZIP To
- | Play This One This Is One Of My
- | Favorites Of The .669 Songs That I've
- | Found So Far.
- CULT669.ZIP 16922 07-05-93 Culture (Song) In The New .669 Song
- | File Format You'Ll Need Compsd13.ZIP To
- | Play This One.
- DAMTR100.ZIP 76777 07-25-93 DamTracker v1.0: Damage Inc. Total
- | Re-Write SVGA Tracker For Gravis
- | UltraSound Runs In 640x480x256 SVGA
- | Support For Most SVGA Boards Plays MOD,
- | 6 & 8 Channel Fast-Tracker MODs.
- DMPCC12.ZIP 36513 09-22-93 DMP Control Center v1.2: A Great
- | DMP/PMP shell utility. Play, rename,
- | delete, copy, and move files. This one
- | surpasses all the previous DMP shells.
- | Now plays up to 1400 files!
- EMPTY669.ZIP 13016 07-04-93 Empty Thoughts (Song) In The New .669
- | Song File Format You'Ll Need
- | Compsd13.ZIP To Play This One.
- ES9308.ZIP 18426 04-08-93 Electronic Shorts Heavy Metal Review,
- | More Includes Offline Reader.
- GUS2530.ZIP 4049 05-21-93 Description of The Gravis Ultrasound
- | v2.06l Update.
- G_MUS.ZIP 3430 12-27-92 ANSI music starting With "G".
- JAMMIN10.ZIP 51534 03-29-93 Jammin CD Audio Player Req.
- | VBRUN200.DLL.
- LAMBADA1.ZIP 39345 04-14-93 Lambada in .SNG and .MID.
- LMUS.ZIP 1881 07-04-93 ANSI music starting with 'L'.
- M6R4.ZIP 9529 06-11-93 Yes. More Matrix-6R sounds in CW Sysex
- | format. Love 'em.
- MARKKLEM.ZIP 40938 11-18-93 Here are FOUR of Mark Klem's original
- | tunes. New ones. You'll forget they're
- | ROL files! Includes: DREAM, TRUMP,
- MEGEM23B.ZIP 159384 11-15-93 Mega-Em v2.00B023 Public Beta Roland
- | MT-32/General MIDI/SoundBlaster DAC
- | emulator for the Gravis UltraSound.
- MFF_READ.ZIP 52127 06-04-93 MidiReader 1.0 - MIDI utility that
- | converts MIDI music files into
- | easily-editable ASCII Text files that
- | can be converted back when your done.
- MMUS.ZIP 3379 07-01-93 ANSI music starting with 'M'.
- MPEGAUDI.ZIP 308873 07-13-93 MPEG Audio file You can play this Audio
- | file with the Xing MPEG player 2.1.
- MUSICANS.ZIP 35824 06-02-93 Some Music in ANSI format - folk songs
- | mostly.
- NMUS.ZIP 992 07-01-93 ANSI music starting with 'N'.
- PMP232.ZIP 132592 10-13-93 PMP 2.32: Protected Module Player is a
- | module player that loads as many modules
- | as it can fit into the memory. It then
- | plays the modules on the background. Now
- | supports up to 16 volume bars! GUS
- | Support.
- QP_100.ZIP 51753 08-16-93 QuickPlay v1.0: Plays .MODs/S2Ms/S3Ms &
- | More.
- RGHTNOW.ZIP 306224 08-09-93 669 music file. Van Halen's Right Now!
- RMUS.ZIP 2980 07-08-93 ANSI music starting with R.
- SHADMUS1.ZIP 92476 10-06-88 SHAD'S MUSIC v1.0: A music program that
- | allows excellent music to be played on a
- | PC Speaker. 44 songs are just normal,
- | but five are different and feature a
- | multi-tone effect.
- SIND_KLF.ZIP 184601 08-29-93 Syndication TM 4-channel AMF format.
- | Play with DMP. Brings you full stereo
- | panning effects imbedded in the track.
- SOUNDFX6.ZIP 384243 05-20-93 Over 75 sounds for batch files or fun.
- | Phasers, stunguns, jets, fires, phones,
- | speech, a colorful shell TSR - sounds,
- | programmer's library, and ability to
- | replace the speaker's beep! Highly
- | rated in Compuserve Magazine and by
- | Sierra On-Line.
- SSN0101.ZIP 161485 03-30-93 Electronic Magazine Dedicated To.669
- | Music Musicians. This Is Volume One
- | Number One. The Includes A New .669 File
- | Named Twinkle.
- STATE152.ZIP 42638 07-31-93 PASSTATE: A program to save and
- | restore all the states of the Proaudio
- | Spectrum 16 sound card. Requires 286 or
- | better CPU and a PAS16 card and less
- | than 100K of disk space.
- TUNE4DAY.ZIP 58422 06-01-93 Tune$Day Traverses Down A Directory Of
- | Sound Files And Plays Them Sequentially.
- | Also Can Perform Any Command On A
- | Directory Of Any Type Of Files
- | Sequentially.
- UMID105.ZIP 124955 10-06-93 Ultramid v1.05: Most recent version of
- | the Miles Drivers for the Gravis
- | Ultrasound.
- WTF20.ZIP 46063 11-15-93 The Well Tempered Fractal v2.0: An
- | interactive fractal music generator.
- | Generates musical melodies by mapping
- | fractals to music. Four fractal types,
- | twenty-one scale types and twenty
- | symmetry operators. Remap, change
- | symmetries, change fractal types on the
- | fly.